Changing Values Of Photography

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It seems like there is no right or wrong, good or bad. The quality of a photograph changes with time within the eye of the beholder and this change is strongly affected by a mix of personal experience, historical perspective, and the manner and the medium of consumption

Of course time changes values too: I once shot a trick of Ferit Batir. Back in 2005 I didn’t quite know what I was doing with all the flashes and the light meter. When I was scanning the roll on the light table with the magnifier I realized that everything went fine – it was my first proper action shot that I produced with my Hasselblad on slide film and the best action shot I produced so far. I felt very proud.

Today the DIY skateboarding scene in Vienna is more than alive: countless spots and urban guerilla projects have been realized. The location on the picture has long gone but the shot of Ferit turned into a rare documentation of skateboarding architecture.

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